A List of Commonly Consumed High and Low Carb Foods
The average adult in the United States eats about 300 grams of carbohydrates daily.
Common foods, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are usually the culprits for high-carb intake - often they are foods most people don't realize are high in carbs.
High-Carb Foods
Breakfast Cereals
Most breakfast cereal of the ready-to-eat variety, including snack foods based on them, are high in carbs due to their base ingredient: grains. Grains, in fact, are the number one carbohydrate source for most Americans.
Bread, rolls, crackers and other grain-based dietary staples are also high in carbs.
The most popular vegetable in America, eaten in any of hundreds of ways, potatoes are also high in carbohydrates. A medium order of fries at the fast food window contains more than 50 grams of carbs.
Like most other whole grains, rice is also high in carbs. Rice is often "hidden" in our foods as a filler or wheat grain substitute as well. A cup of rice has about 43 grams of carbohydrates.
Low-Carb Foods
Most are familiar with the idea of a low-carb diet and eating foods low in carbohydrates. Most also assume that only raw vegetables and fruits fit this category. While you should eat as many of those as you can, they are not the only sources of low-carb eating.
On average, an ounce of cheese has about a gram of carbs. Generally, the "lighter" the cheese (in color), the lower its carbohydrate content. Many people on low-carb diets eat three or four ounces daily without remorse.
Eggs are very low in carbs and a popular choice because of this. Eggs are highly nutritious as well.
Most popular cooking oils, such as olive, vegetable, etc., are low in carbs and great for you when used in moderation. Cold-pressed and "expeller-pressed" are the best, which include most natural olive and seed oils.
Most meat, including poultry, red meats, etc., are naturally low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Some cuts are better than others, of course, but nearly all meat is low in carbs.
Seafood is almost always low in carbs. Avoid substitutes ("fake" crab and the like) as these are often made with rice or other carb-rich foods as a base.