Best Marijuana Strains for Diabetic Management
With the advent of legalized marijuana in many places around the United States, more and more is being discovered about the medicinal benefits of this once-recreational drug. Marijuana can be taken in a number of ways and it's believed that some strains (types) are more beneficial than others for certain ailments.
Without a lot of research, it's unlikely that cannabis will be seen as a treatment for diabetes itself, but it can be used to mitigate or control some of the symptoms and side-effects associated with diabetes. Most of the symptoms from diabetic stress and treatment are associated with inflammation and neuropathic pain.
Most of the best marijuana strains will be in the indica family, which are rich in antioxidants and high in cannabidiol (CBD).
Devil Fruit, a strain that's been bred to be high in CBD content, also has high antioxidant properties. It is, however, more "high" inducing as well, so should be used lightly.
Northern Lights is a strain that's been around for decades and that's well-known for its pain relief and tension reducing qualities. It is not as rich in CBD as some other strains, but is considered a good "night time" option to help sleep.
Zen is a strain often used for mood disorders, but whose properties (very high CBD content) also make it suitable for most neurological problem relief. It's "high" is lower than with other strains already listed.
Green Crack is a strain often used for pain, anxiety, and depression. Its low CBD content means it's more likely to cause a buzz, but it's known to lower inflammation significantly for some users.
Blue Diesel is the most popular of the diabetic-treating marijuana strains today due to its light flavor and lack of appetite stimulation as a side effect. Blue Diesel is believed to reduce insulin resistance as well.
It should be noted that scientific inquiry into medical marijuana use for diabetes is hard to find. Actual study into the effects of cannabis on diabetic patients has not been undertaken to any significant degree, so most recommendations are based on observation rather than testing. Consult a medical professional before utilizing any medication, including marijuana.