A Look at Diabetic Foods
Just because you have diabetes does not mean you have to go without delicious foods. Of course, a physician especially for newly diagnosed diabetics almost always recommends consulting with a dietitian.
Let’s take a look at some of the recommended foods for each food group to give you a better idea of what you can eat and to remind you that you do not have to give up all of your favorite foods you just may need to do a little substituting.
Vegetables and Fruits
Green vegetables such as broccoli, green beans both cut and string, and spinach the vegetables should be non-starchy. Fresh vegetables are always best either eaten raw or steamed so they do not use all their nutrients. If you buy, canned vegetables buy the ones with no sodium (salt) and avoid frozen vegetables that come with a sauce.
All most all fruits are good for you to eat as long as you stick to your recommended serving. Fresh fruits are always best. Canned fruits should be sugar-free.
Whole Grains
Following a diabetic diet, you will want to stick with whole grain products such as brown rice, whole-wheat flour, whole grain cornmeal and whole rye. For meals, you will want to go with whole-wheat pasta products, wild rice and any product that is made with 100% whole grains. You need to avoid white bread and any food that is not made from a whole grain there are several whole grains to choose from.
It is recommended that you eat two to three servings of fish a week. Beef should be lean and poultry should be skinless. Preparing meat can seem like a chore you will need to avoid any sauces and marinades unless otherwise told by your doctor or dietitian.
Eating Healthy
All of the food suggestions above come from the American Diabetes Association. In addition to the foods you should eat, you also need to remember your serving size plays a very important role in managing your diabetes.
Eating a healthy well-balanced diabetic diet may not only help you to control your diabetes but it could give you more energy to enjoy life!