Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe
Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
3/4 cup flour1/4 tsp salt1/2 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp ground cinnamon1/4 tsp ground nutmeg1/4 tsp orange peel, grated1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa, +1 tsp unsweetened cocoa1 egg, , beaten9 tsp sugar1/2 tsp chocolate extract1/2 tsp vanilla extract1 cup zucchini, unpeeled finely shredded
Preheat oven to 350. In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda,baking powder, cinamon, nutmeg, orange peel and cocoa. In another bowl,combine egg, sugar and extracts. Mix well. Add wet mixture and zucchini todry ingredients, mixing just until moistened. Spoon mixture into an 8-inchround cakepan that has been well sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake20 minutes, until toothpick in center is clean. Cool in pan.Per serving: 2g protein, 1g fat, 11g carb., 141mg sodium, 34mg chol., 80calories.
Serves: 8
Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe provided for you by
Is this Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake recipe comes from our category which contains diabetic Cake recipes. As we know nothing about your special medical concerns and the advice your nutritionalist has provided, we really can`t say for sure that this Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake recipe is suitable for you. Even taking that into consideration, because the compiler labelled it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggests that it, at the very least, matches the minimum specification for the label `diabetic friendly`, being low in carbs and fat, and therefore, should be healthier than a normal recipe. Still, this Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the contents of the recipe are safe for you.
Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake Recipe is one from our diabetic Cake recipes collection. Please understand, it would be unthinkable for us to validate each of the diabetic Cake recipes to ensure that they are 100% safe for diabetics. Our site has over 2000 recipes in the collection, & to cook every one of them at 4 or 5 a weeek would occupy us for as long as 290 weeks. You are therefore advised to check the recipe content to ensure that all the recipes agree with the dietary guidelines your doctors have given you. In the event that you think that this Chocolate Zucchini Spice Cake recipe is not appropriate for sufferers of diabetes, please let us know and we will modify or remove it from the site.