Coquille St. Jaques Recipe
Coquille St. Jaques Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
SCALLOPS1 lb fresh scallops1 cup dry sherry1/2 bay leaf1/2 lb fresh mushrooms2 tbsp butter or margerine1 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp diced onion1/2 tsp salt1/8 tsp pepper1 1/2 tbsp flourTOPPING1/4 tsp paprika1 dash cayenne, optional1 tbsp parmesan cheese3 tbsp bread crumbs
On medium power (60%), cook scallops, covered with 1/4 cup of the sherryand the bay leaf for 5-6 minutes until scallops are tender and white. Stironce during cooking. Drain liquid off scallops and reserve 1/4 cup. Discardbay leaf. In a 1 quart glass measuring cup heat the butter, onion, andmushrooms for one minute, stir in flour, salt and pepper. Gradually add theremaining wine, reserved 1/4 cup broth and lemon juice, stirring untilsmooth. Cook 3-4 minutes until mixture is thickened, stirring every minute.Pour over scallops, cover and heat 1-2 minutes until hot through, still onmedium power. Sprinkle with topping and let rest covered for 3-4 minutesbefore serving.1 serving = 2 fat-meat exchange + 1/2 bread exchange + 1 fat exchange 190calories; 8 g carbohydrate; 15 g protein; 11 g fatPosted by Jane Knox
Serves: 6
Coquille St. Jaques Recipe provided for you by
Is this Coquille St. Jaques Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Coquille St. Jaques recipe is part of our category which contains diabetic Fish recipes. Because we don`t know your peculiar medical conditions & the advice your doctors have provided, we really cannot say for certain that this Coquille St. Jaques recipe is appropriate for you. Nonetheless, as someone designated it as `diabetic` it suggest that it, at the very least, complies with the minimum requirements, being low in fat and carbs and as a result should be more healthy than a standard recipe. Nevertheless, this Coquille St. Jaques recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the contents of the recipe are suitable for you.
Coquille St. Jaques Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Coquille St. Jaques Recipe is one from our diabetic Fish recipes category. Obviously, it would be totally unfeasible for us to cook every one of the diabetic Fish recipes to make certain that they are all completely adapted for diabetes sufferers. There are more than 2000 unique recipes in the collection, & to validate every one of them even at a speed of one every 24 hours would occupy us for as long as six years. Our advice is to read the ingredients carefully to verify that all of them are compatible with the diabetes nutritional guidelines your nutritionalist has provided. In the event that you find that this Coquille St. Jaques recipe is not appropriate, tell us & we will remove the problem recipe from our diabetes friendly recipe collection.