Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe
Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
1 Garlic clove1 medium lettuce, shredded3 medium Tomatoes, cut in eighths1 medium Cucumber, sliced6 Green onions, sliced3 Stalks celery, diced1 medium Green pepper, diced6 Radishes, sliced1 Carrot, shredded2 tbsp Chopped fresh parsley1 tsp Salt1/8 tsp Pepper1/4 cup Olive oil1 tbsp Vinegar or lemon juice1 Beet canned or cooked sliced4 oz Feta cheese, crumbled8 Ripe olves1/4 cup Cooked chick peas
Rub large salad bowl with garlic. Combine next 11 ingredients. Tosslightly with olive oil. Sprinkle with vinegar, toss again. Garnish withborder of sliced beet and feta cheese. Arrange olivesin center and sprinkle chick peas over all.1 cup serving 87 calories 2.8 gm protein, 5.7 gm fat, 7.3 gm carbohydrate,260.7 mg sodium, 285.2 mg potassium, 2.3 gm fiber,6 mg cholesterol.Source: Am. Diabetes Assoc. Family Cookbook Vol 1, 1987- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Contributor: Am. Diabetes Assoc. Family Cookbook Vol 1Preparation Time: 0:00
Serves: 1
Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.com
Is this Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Diabetic Greek Salad recipe comes from our category which lists diabetic Salad recipes. Because we have no knowledge of your particular health issues and the advice your medical team has offered you, we cannot say for sure that this Diabetic Greek Salad recipe is OK for you. Despite that, as someone designated it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggest that it at least matches the basic precondition for the label `diabetic`, being low in fat and carbs and so should be better for you than a standard recipe. However, this Diabetic Greek Salad recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the nutritional contents are appropriate for you.
Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Diabetic Greek Salad Recipe is one from the diabetic Salad recipes category. Sadly it would be unthinkable for us to prepare each of the diabetic Salad recipes to warrant that they are completely safe for diabetes sufferers. There are thousands of individual recipes in the collection, & to prepare each recipe even at one recipe per day would take as long as 6 years. Our advice is to analyse the ingredients carefully to ensure that all of them are compliant with the nutritional guidelines your medical advisors have provided. If you feel that this Diabetic Greek Salad recipe is unsuitable for diabetics, please contact us & we will change or remove it from the diabetic recipe collection.