Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe
pEMFrijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at /pP2.00 tb Margarine2.50 c Pinto beans with liquid0.50 ts Salt0.50 ts Cumin/pPreparation: P1. Heat margarine in a frying pan. 2. MAsh beansuntil fairly smooth. 3. Add beans to hot margarine andfry, scraping the pan to prevent sticking. Cook onlyuntil beans are completely heated. Season with saltand cumin if desired.serving = 1/2 c nutritional info: 161 cal; 8g pro, 5gfat, 22g carb exchanges: 1 1/2 bread, 1 fat- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 4 /strong/pFrijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) recipe is one of our category which lists diabetic Bean recipes. As we don`t know your specific medical problems and the advice your health advisors have given to you, we cannot say for certain that this Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) recipe is OK for you. Nonetheless, as the original author marked it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggest that it at least complies with the basic consideration for the label `diabetic`, being low in fat and carbohydrates and as a result should be better for your health than a standard recipe. Even taking that into account, this Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) recipe should only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are suitable for you. /pSTRONGFrijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) Recipe is part of our STRONGdiabetic Bean recipes/strong category. Sadly it is unfeasible for us to prepare every one of the EMdiabetic Bean recipes/em to verify that all the recipes are completely adapted for diabetics. Our site has many thousands of individual recipes in the collection, and to check every one of them at a rate of one recipe every day would occupy us for nearly 72 months. It would be wise to analyse the recipe content with care to ensure that all the recipes are compliant with the nutritional advice your medical team has offered you. If you feel that this Frijoles Refritos (Refried Beans) recipe is not appropriate for sufferers of diabetes, then let us know and we will modify or remove the offending recipe from our diabetic recipe collection. /p