Honey Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe
pEMHoney Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/emIngredients: /pP3/4 oz toasted oats, *2 tbsp peanut butter1 tbsp honey/pPreparation: PCombine all ingredients, mix well.* To toast oats; place uncooked quick cooking oats in a single layer on aungreased cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated 350 oven for 15-20 minutes,until lightly browned.Per serving: 6g protein, 9g fat, 19g carb., 99mg sodium, 0mg chol., 167calories. /pPSTRONGServes: 2 /strong/pHoney Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Honey Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Honey Crunch Peanut Spread recipe comes from our category which contains diabetic Spread recipes. As we are unaware of your exact diabetic problems and the guidelines your medical team has given you, we are unable to say for sure that this Honey Crunch Peanut Spread recipe is appropriate for you. Still, because the original compiler designated it as `diabetic` it suggest that it, if nothing else, matches the basic requirements, being low in fat and carbs and should be better for you than a normal recipe. Nevertheless, this Honey Crunch Peanut Spread recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are appropriate for you. /pSTRONGHoney Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Honey Crunch Peanut Spread Recipe is part of our STRONGdiabetic Spread recipes/strong collection. Obviously, it would be impracticable for us to prepare every one of the EMdiabetic Spread recipes/em to verify that all of them are 100% adapted for diabetics. Our site has over 2000 recipes in the collection, and to prepare every one of them even at a speed of one each day would occupy us for as long as six years. You are therefore advised to read the recipe content with due care to confirm that all of them are compliant with the dietary guidelines your doctors have given you. In the event that you think that this Honey Crunch Peanut Spread recipe is unsuitable, then tell us we will modify or remove the recipe concerned from our collection. /p