Oatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe
pEMOatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/EMbrbrSPAN class=subheadIngredients: /SPANP3 cup Whole Wheat FlourBR3/4 cup Rolled OatsBR1 tbsp Baking PowderBR1/2 tsp Ground CinnamonBR1/4 tsp Ground NutmegBR1 tbsp SugarBR1 EggBR2 tbsp Vegetable OilBR1 1/2 cup Lowfat MilkBR1 small Banana, cubedBR1/4 cup Sunflower Seeds, toastedBR/PSPAN class=subheadPreparation: /SPANPCombine the flour, oats, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and sugarBRin a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and blend.BRBRSpoon into oiled muffin tins or paper muffin cups.BRBRBake in a 375-degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes.BRBRMakes 12BRBROne Muffin = Calories: 180 Carbohydrates: 29 Protein: 5 Fat: 5BRSodium: 91 Potassium: 221 Cholesterol: 23BRBRExchange Value: 1 Bread Exchange + 1 Fruit Exchange + 1 Fat ExchangeBRBRSource: Holiday Cookbook, American Diabetes Association, ISBNBR0-13-024894-0, by Betty Wedman, M.S.,R.D.BRBR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -BR/p
pBRPreparation Time: 0:00 /PPSTRONGServes: 12 /STRONG/PSPAN class=btfootOatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.com/SPANH2Is this Oatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/H2PThis IOatmeal-Banana Muffins recipe/I is one of our category which contains diabetic Muffin recipes. As we don`t know your peculiar health conditions and the advice your health advisors have given you, we can`t say with any degree of certainty that this BOatmeal-Banana Muffins recipe/B is OK for you. Even taking that into consideration, as someone labeled it as `diabetic` it suggest that it, at the very least, complies with the minimum specification for the label `diabetic friendly`, being low fat and low carbohydrate and consequently should be better for your health than a normal recipe. Nonetheless, this Oatmeal-Banana Muffins recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are acceptable for you. /PSTRONGOatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe - Important Disclaimer/STRONGPThis Oatmeal-Banana Muffins Recipe comes from the STRONGdiabetic Muffin recipes/STRONG category. Obviously, it is out of the question for us to validate each of the EMdiabetic Muffin recipes/EM to warrant that all the recipes are 100% adapted for diabetics. We have in excess of two thousand diabetes friendly recipes in it, to check each of them even at one every 24 hours would take more than 6 years. You should read the ingredients carefully to make sure that all the recipes comply with the nutritional advice your medical advisors have provided. In the event that you think that this Oatmeal-Banana Muffins recipe is unsuitable for diabetics, please inform us and we will remove it from the collection. /P/p