Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe
pEMRum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at /pP1/4 cup Boiling water1/4 cup Raisins4 Ripe bananas, peeled1 Orange, peeledJuice of 1 lemon (2 tb)3/4 tsp Rum extract (optional)/pPreparation: PPour the boiling water over the raisins and let stand until theraisins are plump. Then combine all the ingredients in a blender andpuree until smooth.Delicious on pancakes, waffles, and French toast. Makes about 2 cups.1/8 recipe about 1/4 cup - 74 calories, 1 fruit exchange 19 gramscarbohydrate, 1 gram protein, 0 fat 1 mg sodium, 289 mg potassium, 0cholesterolSource: Am. Diabetes Assoc. Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman, 1986Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 8 /strong/pRum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce recipe comes from our collection of diabetic Dessert recipes. Because we are unaware of your precise medical issues and the guidelines your doctor has given you, we can`t confirm that Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce recipe is safe for you. For all that, because the compiler designated it as `diabetic` it should suggest that it, if nothing else, complies with the basic condition for the tag `diabetic friendly`, being low in fat and carbs and therefore, should be more healthy than the non-diabetic equivalent. Be that as it may, this Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the nutritional contents are appropriate for you. /pSTRONGRum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce Recipe comes from our STRONGdiabetic Dessert recipes/strong collection. Obviously, it is unthinkable for us to prepare every single one of the EMdiabetic Dessert recipes/em to certify that they are all 100% modified for diabetics. Our diabetic recipe site has more than 2000 recipes in it, to cook them all even at a rate of one recipe per day would occupy us for as long as six years. It would be wise to analyse the recipe content with care to make sure that all the recipes are compliant with the nutritional advice your doctors have provided. If you suspect that this Rum-Flavored Fruit Sauce recipe is not safe for sufferers of diabetes, then let us know we will delete the offending recipe from our collection. /p