Spiced Apple Rings Recipe
pEMSpiced Apple Rings Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/emIngredients: /pP6 medium Apples, firmSugar substitute to equal1 1/2 cup Sugar2 Sticks cinnamon3 Whole cloves1 1/2 cup Cranberry juice, unsweetened1/4 cup Lemon juice/pPreparation: PWash and core apples; slice unpeeled into thickslices. Place in flat pan. Combine remainingingredients, and boil 5 minutes. Reserve 1/4 cup juicemixture, and set aside. Pour remaining juice mixtureover apple slices. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutesor until apples slices appear transparent; basteoccasionally with the 1/4 cup juice mixture. Serve Hotor Cold as a garnish for your Salad. Or by itself:Yield: 12 - 1/2 cup serving. Each serving may beexchanged for: 1 Fruit.Shared by: Kathleen's Recipe Swap Pagehttp://www.ilos.net/~answers/reciperecipes@ilos.net- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 12 /strong/pSpiced Apple Rings Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Spiced Apple Rings Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Spiced Apple Rings recipe comes from our category which lists diabetic Dessert recipes. As we know nothing about your particular medical issues the guidelines your nutritionalist has provided, we can`t say with certainty that this Spiced Apple Rings recipe is safe for you. Even taking that into account, as the original author designated it as `diabetic` it suggests that it at least covers the minimum consideration for the label `diabetic`, being low in carbohydrates fat, and so should be better for your health than the non-diabetic equivalent. Be that as it may, this Spiced Apple Rings recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe contents are appropriate for you. /pSTRONGSpiced Apple Rings Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Spiced Apple Rings Recipe is part of our STRONGdiabetic Dessert recipes/strong category. Please understand, it is completely out of the question for us to validate every single one of the EMdiabetic Dessert recipes/em to make certain that they are all completely adapted for diabetes sufferers. There are over 2000 individual recipes in it, to validate each of them even at a speed of one every 24 hours would occupy us for as long as 6 years. You should read the recipe content carefully to make sure that all of them agree with the nutritional advice your nutritionalist has offered you. In the event that you feel that this Spiced Apple Rings recipe is not appropriate, please let us know we will change or remove it from the site. /p