Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe
Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
2 cup short grain rice, cooked1 cup skim milk1 sweetener = 12 tsp sugar1/4 cup raisins1 tsp vanilla1/4 tsp cinnamon1/4 tsp nutmeg1 apple1/4 tsp ascorbic acid colour keeper
In a saucepan, combine cooked rice, skim milk, sweetener, raisins, vanilla,cinnamon and nutmeg. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, stirringoccasionally for five minutes or until most of moisture evaporates andmixture is creamy. Core and shred apple and sprinkle with ascorbic acidcolour keeps. Stir apple into rice mixture. Cooke for 2-3 minutes longer oruntil apple is soft. Spoon into serving dish or dessert dishes. Serve warmor chilled.Makes 3 cups 1 serving = 1/2 cup; 1 starchy choice; 1 milk choice 22 gcarbohydrate; 2 g protein; 400 kilojoules; 96 calories; Jane Knox
Serves: 6
Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe provided for you by
Is this Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Apple Raisin Pudding recipe is one of our category which contains diabetic Dessert recipes. As we know nothing about your special medical concerns and the advice your doctor has given to you, we really cannot say with any degree of certainty that this Apple Raisin Pudding recipe is safe for you. For all that, because the compiler labeled it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggests that it, at the very least, meets the minimum condition for the tag `diabetic`, being low in fat and carbohydrates and so should be more healthy than the non-diabetic equivalent recipe. However, this Apple Raisin Pudding recipe must only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are acceptable for you.
Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Apple Raisin Pudding Recipe is one from our diabetic Dessert recipes collection. Please understand, it is totally impracticable for us to hand check every single one of the diabetic Dessert recipes to make certain that all of them are completely OK for people with diabetes. Our diabetic recipe collection has thousands of individual recipes in it, and to validate every one of them at 7 per week would take nearly 72 months. We strongly urge you to read the recipe ingredients carefully to ensure that all of them are compliant with the diabetes nutritional guidelines your medical advisors have offered you. In the event that you suspect that this Apple Raisin Pudding recipe has errors, please inform us & we will change or remove the recipe concerned from the recipe site.