Baked Apple Microwave Recipe
Baked Apple Microwave Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
1 Apple, about 8 oz - cored and peeled2 tbsp Orange or apple juice - (unsweetened)1/8 tsp Ground cinnamon1 pinch Grated nutmeg2 tbsp Raisins
Core and peel each apple. Place each apple in individual glasscasserole, fill center with raisins, pour juice over raisins.Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Cover (wax paper) and bake inmicrowave on high about 2 min (CHECK - your apples could bedifferent)
Serves: 1
Baked Apple Microwave Recipe provided for you by
Is this Baked Apple Microwave Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Baked Apple Microwave recipe is part of our category which contains diabetic Dessert recipes. Because we know nothing about your specific health problems and the guidelines your medical team has given you, we are unable to say with certainty that this Baked Apple Microwave recipe is OK for you. For all that, as the original compiler labelled it as `diabetic` it should indicate that it, at the very least, complies with the minimum specification for the tag `diabetic friendly`, being low in carbohydrates and fat, and should be better for your health than a standard recipe. Be that as it may, this Baked Apple Microwave recipe should only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are acceptable for you.
Baked Apple Microwave Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Baked Apple Microwave Recipe comes from the diabetic Dessert recipes category. Sadly it would be impracticable for us to validate each of the diabetic Dessert recipes to ensure that all of them are totally safe for diabetics. We have thousands of diabetic recipes listed, and to prepare them all at a rate of one every 24 hours would take as long as 72 months. It would be wise to check the nutritional content with care to ensure that all of them are compatible with the dietary guidelines your doctors have given you. If you find that this Baked Apple Microwave recipe is not appropriate for sufferers of diabetes, then kindly let us know and we will withdraw the problem recipe from our site.