Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe
Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
1 1/2 cup rice, regular; cooked4 1/4 oz shrimp, drained3/4 cup cauliflower, fresh; diced1/4 cup green pepper, chopped1 tbsp green onion, chopped1 tbsp olives, ripe; chopped1/2 tsp salt1/3 cup mayonnaise2 tbsp salad dressing, french2 tbsp lemon juice
Combine first 7 ingredients in a mixing bowl; mix well. Combine next 3ingredients; stir well. Pour over shrimp mixture; toss gently. Spoon intoa lighlty greased 1-quart shallow baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 20minutes.SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, February 1983. Typos by Nancy Coleman.
Serves: 4
Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe provided for you by
Is this Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad recipe is one of our category covering diabetic Shrimp recipes. Because we know nothing about your special diabetic conditions & the advice your medical team has given to you, we cannot say with certainty that this Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad recipe is acceptable for you. Nevertheless, because the original compiler labelled it as `diabetic` it hopefully indicates that it, at the very least, complies with the basic specification for the label `diabetic friendly`, being low in carbs and fat, and consequently should be more healthy than a typical non-diabetic recipe. Still, this Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe contents are suitable for you.
Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad Recipe is one from the diabetic Shrimp recipes category. It would be totally impracticable for us to hand check every one of the diabetic Shrimp recipes to ensure that they are all 100% safe for diabetics. We have over 2000 unique recipes in it, & to check every one of them at a rate of one recipe per day would take as long as 290 weeks. We strongly urge you to analyse the recipe content carefully to confirm that they are compliant with the nutritional guidelines your medical advisors have given you. In the event that you find that this Baked Shrimp-Rice Salad recipe is not safe for sufferers of diabetes, then let us know & we will change or remove the offending recipe from our diabetic recipe collection.