Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe
Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
1 1/3 cup Cooked Rice1 1/3 cup Milk1 tsp Vanilla extractSugar substuite equal to2 Tb of the real thing1 Ripe Banana, Mashed1/4 cup Whipping cream, Whipped (or substui2 Kiwi fruits, sliced for garnish
2 Kiwi fruits, Sliced, for garnishCook Rice and milk in 2-quart saucepan over medium heat until thickand creamy (about 15-20 minutes) stirring frequently. Remove fromheat; Cool. Stir in Vanilla and sugar substitute. Just beforeserving, fold in banana and whipped cream. Garnish with kiwi slicesMakes 4 servingsPer serving: calories-195, protein-4.6g, fat-6g, carbohydrate-31gsodium-49mg and cholesterol-22mg (less if use substuite whipped cream)Exchanges 1/2 starch/bread, 1 fruit, 1/2 skim milk and 1 fatFrom the Tice Council of America P.O. Box 740121, Houston, Tx. 77274- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00
Serves: 1
Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe provided for you by
Is this Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Banana Kiwi Pudding recipe is one of our collection of healthy diabetic Dessert recipes. As we are unaware of your particular medical concerns and the advice your health advisors have provided, we really can`t say with any degree of certainty that this Banana Kiwi Pudding recipe is acceptable for you. Despite that, because the compiler labelled it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggests that it, at the very least, covers the minimum consideration for the tag `diabetic`, being low in carbohydrates & fat, and so should be better for your health than a standard recipe. Despite that, this Banana Kiwi Pudding recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are suitable for you.
Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Banana Kiwi Pudding Recipe is one from our diabetic Dessert recipes collection. Please understand, it would be impossible for us to hand check each of the diabetic Dessert recipes to establish that all of them are totally safe for diabetics. We have more than two thousand individual recipes in it, and to validate every one of them at one each day would take almost six years. You are therefore advised to read the nutritional content with due care to confirm that all the recipes comply with the dietary advice your nutritionalist has offered you. If you feel that this Banana Kiwi Pudding recipe has errors, let us know and we will modify or remove the recipe concerned from the collection.