Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe
Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
2.00 c Cucumber slices (1/8" thick0.50 c Thin onion slices0.50 Clove garlic (1/4 tsp pwdr)1.00 tb Pickling salt1.00 c Ice cubes (or more)0.50 c Cider vinegar0.50 c Water0.75 ts Mustard seed (1/2 tsp dry)0.50 ts Celery seed0.25 ts Tumeric8.00 ts Sugar equiv. liquid sweeten
Liquid artificial sweetener equivalent - see packagedirections for your product. Tested with 1/4 amount ofSugarTwin June/93 by E.R. and taste tested by 4 familymembers. Tumeric gives the pickles quite a brightcolor.Combine cucumber, onion and garlic in a glass bowl.Sprinkle with pickling salt. Cover with ice cubes.Let stand in a cool place, at least 6 hours orovernight.Drain well. Combine vinegar, water, mustard seed,celery seed and tumeric in a large saucepan. Bring toa boil; add drained cucumber mixture; return to a boiland cook 2 min. Discard garlic clove. Stir insweetener. Spoon into hot sterilized jars. Wipe jarrims. Seal. Store in a cool, dark, dry place.Makes about 2 cups, each serving 1/4 cup (1++ Extra,not counted in meal plan) 2 g carbohydrate, 8 caloriesSource: Choice Cooking, Canadian Diabetes Association78 Bond Street, Toronto Ontario M5B 2J8 NC Press Ltd,Box 452 Station A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 1H8 written1983, 16th printing 1991, also available in French.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00
Serves: 8
Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe provided for you by
Is this Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Bread And Butter Pickles recipe is part of our collection of healthy diabetic Bread recipes. Because we are ignorant of your particular diabetic problems & the advice your doctors have offered you, we can`t say for certain that this Bread And Butter Pickles recipe is safe for you. All the same, as the recipe author designated it as `diabetic` it indicates that it at least complies with the minimum condition for the label `diabetic`, being low in carbohydrates & fat, and so should be more healthy than the non-diabetic equivalent recipe. Nevertheless, this Bread And Butter Pickles recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are acceptable for you.
Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Bread And Butter Pickles Recipe comes from the diabetic Bread recipes section. Clearly, it is completely unfeasible for us to hand check each of the diabetic Bread recipes to ensure that they are totally modified for people with diabetes. We have in excess of 2000 unique recipes in it, & to check each recipe even at one each day would take almost 72 months. You are therefore advised to read the recipe content with due care to make sure that they are compatible with the dietary guidelines your medical team has offered you. If you find that this Bread And Butter Pickles recipe is unsuitable, then please let us know and we will remove it from the collection.