Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
2 tbsp peanut butter2/3 cup nonfat dry milk powder2 tsp unsweetened cocoa5 tsp sugar, or sugar sub;1/4 cup water1 1/2 oz corn or wheat flake cereal2 tbsp raisins
In a small bowl, combine peanut butter, dry milk, cocoa, sugar and water.Mix until well blended. Stir in cereal and raisins. Press mixture intobottom of a 4X8 inch loaf pan. Chill 30 minutes or longer, cut into barsand serve.Per serving: 9g protein, 5g fat, 21g carb., 248mg sodium, 2mg chol., 170calories.
Serves: 4
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe provided for you by
Is this Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars recipe is part of our category which lists diabetic Snack recipes. Because we are unaware of your specific medical problems & the advice your doctor has given to you, we really cannot say for sure that this Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars recipe is OK for you. However, as the original author labelled it as `diabetic` it hopefully indicates that it, if nothing else, meets the minimum consideration for the label `diabetic`, being low in carbs and fat, and consequently should be better for your health than a normal recipe. For all that, this Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars recipe should only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are OK for you.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars Recipe comes from the diabetic Snack recipes collection. Please understand, it would be impracticable for us to cook every single one of the diabetic Snack recipes to warrant that they are all totally adapted for diabetes sufferers. Our site has more than 2000 diabetes friendly recipes in it, & to check each recipe at the rate of one every 24 hours would take nearly 290 weeks. You should analyse the recipe content to verify that all the recipes agree with the dietary guidelines your medical advisors have offered you. If you find that this Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars recipe is unsuitable for sufferers of diabetes, then please inform us and we will modify or remove it from the site.