Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe
Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
9 oz Slightly warm water1/2 cup Frozen cranberries1 1/2 tbsp Unsalted butter1 1/2 tbsp White sugar1 tbsp Brown sugar1 1/2 tsp Salt1 cup Whole wheat flour1 tbsp Rounded, nonfat drymilk powder1/4 tbsp Cinnamon1/8 tbsp Nutmeg1/8 tbsp Clove1 1/2 tsp Yeast2/3 cup Chopped walnuts
Place the water and the cranberries in the bread machine. Let thecranberries thaw while you get the other ingredients together. Add theother ingredients in the order recommended for your bread machine.Checkthe mixture as it kneads, to adjust water or flour for the rightconsistency. Bake on Sweet or Basic cycle.- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00
Serves: 1
Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe provided for you by
Is this Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm recipe comes from our collection of healthy diabetic Bread recipes. Because we are ignorant of your precise health conditions & the advice your doctors have given you, we cannot say with any degree of certainty that this Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm recipe is appropriate for you. Even taking that into consideration, because somebody labelled it as `diabetic` it hopefully indicates that it, if nothing else, matches the basic specification for the label `diabetic`, being low in fat and carbs and should be better for you than a normal recipe. Even taking that into account, this Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe contents are acceptable for you.
Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm Recipe is one from the diabetic Bread recipes collection. Sadly it is out of the question for us to validate every single one of the diabetic Bread recipes to ensure that they are all 100% acceptable for diabetes sufferers. There are over 2000 individual recipes in it, and to prepare every one of them even at a rate of one each day would occupy us for nearly 72 months. You should check the ingredients carefully to make sure that all of them comply with the dietary advice your medical team has offered you. In the event that you feel that this Cranberry Nut Bread - Abm recipe is not safe for sufferers of diabetes, then please inform us and we will remove the recipe concerned from our diabetes friendly recipe collection.