Crisp Croutons Recipe
Crisp Croutons Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
6 tbsp olive oil, =or=-6 tbsp butter melted1 tsp dried ground thyme1 tbsp dried basil1 tbsp dried oregano1 pinch ground black pepper1 pinch salt4 cup cubed bread
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Stir the herbs and seasonings into theolive oil or melted butter. In a large bowl, drizzle the oil or buttermixture over the cubed bread, tossing to mix well. Spread the cubes in asingle layer on a paper lined baking pan. Depending on the dryness of thebread, bake for 10-30 minutes in the preheated oven. Stir the croutonsevery 10 minutes so they brown evenly. Cool the croutons before sprinklingon salads.Croutons freeze well stored in plastic bags for many months. Stored at roomtemperature croutons will keep for a couple of weeks.
Serves: 4
Crisp Croutons Recipe provided for you by
Is this Crisp Croutons Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Crisp Croutons recipe is one of our category which lists diabetic Soup recipes. As we are unaware of your special medical problems & the guidelines your health advisors have given to you, we really cannot say with any degree of certainty that this Crisp Croutons recipe is appropriate for you. Nevertheless, because someone labelled it as `diabetic` it suggests that it at least meets the basic precondition for the label `diabetic`, being low in carbs and fat, and so should be more healthy than a normal recipe. Be that as it may, this Crisp Croutons recipe should only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe ingredients are suitable for you.
Crisp Croutons Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Crisp Croutons Recipe is one from our diabetic Soup recipes collection. Please understand, it would be unthinkable for us to check each of the diabetic Soup recipes to make certain that all of them are 100% OK for people with diabetes. Our diabetic recipe collection has more than two thousand unique recipes in the collection, and to cook each recipe even at a speed of one recipe every day would take more than 6 years. You should analyse the recipe content carefully to confirm that they are compliant with the nutritional guidelines your doctors have given you. In the event that you suspect that this Crisp Croutons recipe is not safe for sufferers of diabetes, then let us know and we will change or remove the problem recipe from the collection.