Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe
Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.comIngredients:
1 sq unsweetened chocolate1/4 cup evaporated milk1/2 tsp vanilla1 tsp artificial liquid sweetener1 package vanilla or chocolate sweetened pudd8 tsp finely chopped nuts
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00
Serves: 4
Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.com
Is this Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?
This Diabetic Easter Fudge recipe is part of our category which contains diabetic Dessert recipes. As we know nothing about your particular diabetic conditions & the guidelines your doctor has given to you, we can`t say with any degree of certainty that this Diabetic Easter Fudge recipe is suitable for you. However, because the original author labeled it as `diabetic` it hopefully indicates that it, if nothing else, matches the basic specification for the label `diabetic`, being low in carbs & fat, and consequently should be more healthy than the non-diabetic equivalent. Nevertheless, this Diabetic Easter Fudge recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe contents are acceptable for you.
Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe - Important Disclaimer
This Diabetic Easter Fudge Recipe comes from the diabetic Dessert recipes category. Obviously, it would be totally unfeasible for us to hand check every single one of the diabetic Dessert recipes to warrant that all the recipes are 100% modified for people with diabetes. We have thousands of diabetic recipes in it, and to prepare each of them at a rate of one per day would take almost 72 months. Our advice is to analyse the recipe ingredients carefully to verify that all the recipes are compliant with the diabetes nutritional guidelines your doctor has offered you. If you suspect that this Diabetic Easter Fudge recipe is wrong, then let us know & we will withdraw the recipe concerned from the diabetic recipe collection.