Lemon Baked Sole Recipe
pEMLemon Baked Sole Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/emIngredients: /pP4 (3-1/4 oz.) sole fillets2 tsp Diet margarine, melted2 tsp Lemon juice2 tbsp All-purpose flour2 tsp Fresh parsley, chopped1/8 tsp Pepper1/8 tsp Paprika/pPreparation: PRinse fillets thoroughly in cold water; pat dry with paper towels,and set aside. Combine melted margarine and lemon juice in a smallbowl. Combine flour, chopped parsley and pepper in a shallowcontainer. Dip fillets in margarine mixture and dredge in flourmixture. Transfer fillets to a nonstick baking sheet, and drizzle anyremaining margarine mixture over fish.Sprinkle fillets with paprika. Bake at 375 degrees F.for 15 to 20 minutes or until fish is golden brown and flakes easilywhen tested with a fork. NOTE: If a crisper texture is desired,broil baked fillets 4 inches from heat for 1 minute. Garnish eachfillet with a lemon wedge and fresh parsley sprigs, if desired. PERSERVING: calories - 92, carbohydrate - 3 g., protein - 16 g.,cholesterol - 50 mg., fat - 1 g., fiber - 0, sodium - 79 mg. --Exchanges - 2 Lean Meat FROM: All New Cookbook for Diabetics andTheir Families by the University of Alabama at Birmingham copyright1988- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 4 /strong/pLemon Baked Sole Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Lemon Baked Sole Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Lemon Baked Sole recipe is one of our category which contains diabetic Fish recipes. As we have no knowledge of your peculiar health conditions and the advice your medical team has offered you, we cannot say with any degree of certainty that this Lemon Baked Sole recipe is safe for you. Even taking that into consideration, because somebody designated it as `diabetic` it suggest that it, at the very least, matches the minimum requirements, being low in carbohydrates fat, and consequently should be better for you than the non-diabetic equivalent. Nevertheless, this Lemon Baked Sole recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the ingredients are safe for you. /pSTRONGLemon Baked Sole Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Lemon Baked Sole Recipe is one from our STRONGdiabetic Fish recipes/strong collection. Obviously, it is out of the question for us to cook each of the EMdiabetic Fish recipes/em to verify that all the recipes are totally modified for people with diabetes. Our site has over two thousand diabetic recipes in the collection, to prepare them all at a rate of 4 or 5 a weeek would take nearly 72 months. Our advice is to check the recipe ingredients to verify that all of them agree with the nutritional advice your medical advisors have provided. In the event that you suspect that this Lemon Baked Sole recipe is not appropriate for diabetics, then kindly let us know and we will modify or remove the offending recipe from the diabetes friendly recipe collection. /p