Maple Pecan Pie Recipe
pEMMaple Pecan Pie Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at /pP1 Basic pie crust, bottomFilling1 3/4 cup Pecans1 tbsp Cinnamon1/2 tbsp Salt1 tbsp Vanilla extract3/4 cup Pure maple syrup3/4 cup Fruit Sweetener*6 EggsGarnishWhipped Cream8 Pecan halves/pPreparation: PPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare and partially bake the pie crustaccording to the directions. Toast the pecans in the preheated ovenfor 7 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Reserve 6-8 perfect pecanhalves for garnishing the finished pie. Put the remaining pecans inthe partially baked pie crust. In a medium bowl, combine thecinnamon, salt, vanilla and 1/2 cup of the maple syrup. Use a whiskto evenly distribute the cinnamon. Then whisk in the remaining 1/4cup of maple syrup and all of the fruit sweetener. Whisk in the eggs,one at a time. Pour this filling into the crust, over the pecans.Bake the maple pecan pie for approximately 45 minutes on a cookiesheet on either the floor of a gas oven or the lowest shelf in anelectric oven. Maple Pecan Pie is done when it is golden brown, haspuffed slightly, and does not shake in the middle when jiggled. Whenthe pie is cool, garnish it with whipped cream and toasted pecanhalves.* To make fruit sweetener - cook four cups offruit juice until it is reduced to one cup. If youlike it sweeter add Sweet One. OR if a recipe callsfor 1/2 cup fruit sweetener, use 1/2 cup frozen fruitjuice plus half as much (1/4 cup) granulated fructose.~ Sherry adds Sweet One instead to desired sweetness.If 2/3 cup is called for use 2/3 cup concentrate plus1/3 cup granulated fructose. Commercial fruitsweeteners are available at health food stores. Goodjuices to use are apple, orange, pineapple, pineapple-orange, and grape.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Contributor: Sweet Inspirations CookbookPreparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 8 /strong/pMaple Pecan Pie Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Maple Pecan Pie Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Maple Pecan Pie recipe is one of our category which lists diabetic Dessert recipes. Because we are ignorant of your unique health issues the guidelines your health advisors have provided, we can`t say for certain that this Maple Pecan Pie recipe is suitable for you. Be that as it may, because the compiler marked it as `diabetic` it hopefully indicates that it, at the very least, meets the minimum specification for the tag `diabetic friendly`, being low in carbs and fat, and consequently should be healthier than the non-diabetic equivalent. Even taking that into consideration, this Maple Pecan Pie recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe ingredients are acceptable for you. /pSTRONGMaple Pecan Pie Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Maple Pecan Pie Recipe is one from our STRONGdiabetic Dessert recipes/strong collection. Please understand, it is totally impractical for us to prepare every single one of the EMdiabetic Dessert recipes/em to ensure that all the recipes are totally OK for diabetes sufferers. There are more than 2000 unique recipes in it, and to validate each of them at one each day would occupy us for more than 72 months. We strongly advise you to check the ingredients to make sure that all of them comply with the diabetes nutritional advice your nutritionalist has provided. If you feel that this Maple Pecan Pie recipe have errors, then kindly let us know and we will remove the recipe concerned from the diabetic recipe collection. /p