Salsa Recipe
pEMSalsa Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at /pP1 small onion, chopped1 small green bell pepper, chopped1 small red bell pepper, chopped1 tomato, chopped1/2 cup fresh lemon =or=-1/2 cup fresh lemon1 pepper to taste1 tbsp fresh basil, =or=-1 tbsp dried leaf basil1 hot red pepper flakes/pPreparation: PCombine all ingredients in a small bowl. Let stand 20 minutes beforeserving. Add hot pepper flakes if desired. Makes 2 cups. Food Exchangeper serving: FREE; CAL: CAL: 9g; CHO: 0mg; PRO: 0g; SOD: 3mg; FAT: 0g;Source: Light Easy Diabetes Cuisine by Betty Marks Brought to you andyours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master. /pPSTRONGServes: 16 /strong/pSalsa Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Salsa Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Salsa recipe comes from our category which lists diabetic Salad recipes. Because we are unaware of your specific diabetic concerns and the guidelines your doctor has given you, we really cannot say for sure that this Salsa recipe is appropriate for you. Even taking that into account, because the recipe author designated it as `diabetic` it should suggest that it at least complies with the minimum requirements, being low fat and low carb and should be healthier than a typical non-diabetic recipe. However, this Salsa recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the contents of the recipe are OK for you. /pSTRONGSalsa Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Salsa Recipe is one from the STRONGdiabetic Salad recipes/strong collection. It is completely impractical for us to hand check every single one of the EMdiabetic Salad recipes/em to verify that they are completely adapted for diabetics. We have in excess of 2000 unique recipes in it, and to cook every one of them at one per day would occupy us for as long as 290 weeks. You are therefore advised to analyse the recipe ingredients carefully to confirm that all the recipes are compliant with the diabetes nutritional advice your medical team has given you. In the event that you feel that this Salsa recipe have errors, let us know we will delete it from the recipe site. /p