Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe
pEMSmokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at /pP1.00 c Salmon (15oz)0.67 c Cottage cheese, low fat0.25 ts Liquid smoke seasoning1.00 tb Lemon juice2.00 tb Onion, minced2.00 tb Olives, ripe, finely choppe1.00 ts Worchestershire sauce0.50 ts Paprika/pPreparation: PDrain salmon and chop fine, or mash with a fork. Presscottage cheese through a strainer, or blend smooth;combine with salmon and remaining ingredients. Mixwell. Cover and chill for at least one hour. Servewith melba toast or party rye.1 serving is 3 appetizers. 1 lean meat 20 cal; fat1gm, pro 2gm, sodium 75mg, chol 6mg- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Preparation Time: 0:00 /pPSTRONGServes: 40 /strong/pSmokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes recipe is one of our collection of tasty diabetic Fish recipes. As we have no knowledge of your precise health issues and the advice your doctor has provided, we are unable to say with any degree of certainty that this Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes recipe is acceptable for you. However, because someone labeled it as `diabetic` it indicates that it, at the very least, meets the minimum requirements, being low in carbs fat, and so should be more healthy than a standard recipe. Even taking that into account, this Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes recipe must only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe ingredients are acceptable for you. /pSTRONGSmokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes Recipe comes from our STRONGdiabetic Fish recipes/strong collection. Sadly it is completely unfeasible for us to cook every single one of the EMdiabetic Fish recipes/em to certify that they are all completely acceptable for people with diabetes. Our site has thousands of individual recipes in the collection, and to prepare each of them even at a rate of one every 24 hours would take nearly 6 years. We strongly urge you to read the ingredients with care to ensure that all the recipes are compatible with the diabetes nutritional advice your doctors have provided. If you find that this Smokey Salmon Pate - Ames Center For Diabetes recipe is not safe for sufferers of diabetes, let us know we will modify or remove the offending recipe from the diabetic recipe collection. /p