Spiced Tomato Soup Recipe
pEMSpiced Tomato Soup Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/emIngredients: /pP6 cup peeled tomatoes, chopped1/2 cup onions, chopped1 tbsp mixed pickling spices2 tbsp margarine1 salt and pepper to taste1 tbsp sugar, or sugar sub3 tbsp flour/pPreparation: PIn blender, blend tomatoes and onions until smooth. Strain into saucepan.Place pickling spices in a tea ball or cheesecloth. Add to saucepan withmargarine, salt, pepper, and sugar. In a small bowl, stir flour into asmall amount of soup mixture until blended. Add to soup. Cook, uncovered,over low heat 30 minutes, stirring frequently.Per serving: 2g protein, 4g fat, 14g carb., 59mg sodium, 0mg chol., 95calories. /pPSTRONGServes: 6 /strong/pSpiced Tomato Soup Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Spiced Tomato Soup Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Spiced Tomato Soup recipe is part of our collection of diabetic Soup recipes. Because we have no knowledge of your specific health problems and the guidelines your health advisors have offered you, we really can`t say with any degree of certainty that this Spiced Tomato Soup recipe is suitable for you. Still, as somebody labeled it as `diabetic` it hopefully suggests that it at least covers the basic specification for the tag `diabetic`, being low fat and low carbohydrate and should be more healthy than a standard recipe. Be that as it may, this Spiced Tomato Soup recipe should only be used In the event that you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe contents are suitable for you. /pSTRONGSpiced Tomato Soup Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Spiced Tomato Soup Recipe comes from the STRONGdiabetic Soup recipes/strong category. Please understand, it is inconceivable for us to prepare every one of the EMdiabetic Soup recipes/em to certify that all the recipes are 100% safe for diabetes sufferers. Our diabetic recipe site has in excess of 2000 diabetes friendly recipes in the collection, and to prepare each recipe even at a speed of 7 recipes per week would occupy us for 6 years. You are therefore advised to read the recipe content carefully to confirm that all the recipes agree with the dietary advice your nutritionalist has offered you. In the event that you find that this Spiced Tomato Soup recipe is not appropriate, then please inform us we will remove the recipe concerned from our collection. /p