Sweet Potato Rolls Recipe
pEMSweet Potato Rolls Recipe from the diabetic recipe collection at InformationAboutDiabetes.com/emIngredients: /pP1 cup flour, +2 tbsp flour1 1/2 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt1/2 tsp lemon peel, grated1/4 tsp baking soda1/4 tsp dried basil1/4 tsp dried thyme2 tbsp dried chives1 egg6 oz sweet potato, shredded peeled1/2 cup plain lowfat yogurt1 tbsp margarine, melted1 tsp margarine, melted/pPreparation: PPreheat oven to 425. In a large bowl, stir together flour, baking powder,salt, lemon peel, baking soda, basil, thyme, and chives. In another bowl,combine egg, sweet potato, yogurt, and margarine. Add to dry igredients;stir until moistened. Divide dough evenly into 8 nonstick muffin cups. Bake20 minutes until browned. Remove to rack to cool, or for best flavor, servehot.Per serving: 4g protein, 3g fat, 21g carb., 194mg sodium, 35mg chol., 127calories. /pPSTRONGServes: 8 /strong/pSweet Potato Rolls Recipe provided for you by InformationAboutDiabetes.comH2Is this Sweet Potato Rolls Recipe Suitable for Diabetics?/h2PThis Sweet Potato Rolls recipe is one of our collection of healthy diabetic Bread recipes. Because we know nothing about your individual diabetic problems and the advice your medical team has given you, we can`t say with any degree of certainty that this Sweet Potato Rolls recipe is OK for you. Even taking that into account, as the original compiler designated it as `diabetic` it suggest that it, at the very least, complies with the minimum consideration for the tag `diabetic`, being low in fat and carbs and so should be healthier than a normal recipe. Be that as it may, this Sweet Potato Rolls recipe should only be used if you understand your own condition and are happy that the recipe ingredients are suitable for you. /pSTRONGSweet Potato Rolls Recipe - Important Disclaimer/strongPThis Sweet Potato Rolls Recipe is one from the STRONGdiabetic Bread recipes/strong collection. Sadly it would be impossible for us to check every one of the EMdiabetic Bread recipes/em to establish that all the recipes are 100% modified for diabetes sufferers. There are over two thousand diabetes friendly recipes in it, to validate each of them at one recipe per day would take nearly 72 months. It would be wise to analyse the recipe content carefully to ensure that they agree with the nutritional guidelines your doctors have given you. If you feel that this Sweet Potato Rolls recipe is unsuitable, then kindly let us know we will modify or remove it from our diabetic recipe collection. /p